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Two orange butterflies go dancing...


Medium sized, natural wood look frame featuring two, lovingly hand-folded, orange-themed origami butterflies.


The frame is equipped to be wall-mounted or it has a stand at the rear in order to be free-standing upon tabletop or shelf. The frame does include glass in the front, it was removed to reduce glare/reflection in the photos. H28cm x W23cm x D3cm


This framed artwork is available as a custom-made order, generally following this design as shown but modified to suit your colour/size requirements. Contact me to discuss your desired colour theme. I'd love to try and match that room decor scheme or whatever else you are planning.


As each masterpiece is lovingly and precisely hand-crafted, please allow sufficient time for this magic to happen! Usually 3-5 days.


Lovingly hand-folded origami, crafted in Newcastle, NSW, Australia.


Dancing Duo - orange

SKU: F0013

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